Episode 30 – Lights, Camera, Sea Turtles!

Dr. Mike Heithaus
Our guest this week is Dr. Mike Heithaus. Dr. Heithaus is the director of the Marine Sciences Program at Florida International University in Miami. He has also worked with National Geographic’s Crittercam, and you might recognize his name as the author of Holt Biology (the cheetah book).
Dr. Heithaus talks to us about his research, his interest in science, and how there’s more science than you might realize in marine science.
- Mike Heithaus Homepage
- Biography from FIU
- FIU Marine Sciences
- Heithaus Lab Research
- Shark Bay Ecosystem Research Project
- National Geographic Crittercam Home
- Crittercam Biography
- Interview for Crittercam
- Video from the Discovery Channel: Great White Down Under: Tiger Tagging
- Article in Oberlin Alumni Magazine
- Interview with SEEDS
Direct download: LOL30.mp3
The direct download link has “LO30” instead of “LOL30”, leading to wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Correcting the URL in the browser URL window delivered the episode, so a quick edit to this page should fix things.
Oh no! Thanks Dennis. The link is all better now.