Episode 1 – Introductions and Gerry Wheeler

Gerry Wheeler
Meet the hosts of NSTA’s Lab Out Loud podcast – Dale Basler and Brian Bartel. Later, we chat with NSTA Executive Director Gerry Wheeler, as he reflects on Sputnik and its impact on science education, the importance of science literacy and 21st century skills, and how NSTA is helping science teachers both young and old.
Gerry Wheeler Reflects on Sputnik:
- When Science Suddenly Mattered, in Space and in Class (NY Times)
- Sputnik Left Legacy for U.S. Science Education (NPR)
- Sputnik heralded space race, focus on learning (USA Today)
- Science: Sputnik Redux (Edutopia)
Visit NSTA’s new website at www.nsta.org NSTA’s New Science Teacher Academy
With support from The Amgen Foundation, the program will support new middle and secondary school science educators by providing opportunities for professional development such as online mentoring and financial support to attend NSTA’s national conference.
- New Science Teacher Academy
- The Amgen Foundation
- The Science and Mathematics Teacher Shortage: Fact and Myth
Toyota Tapestry
Direct download: nsta_lol1.mp3