Episode 7 – Cloning Monkey Embryos

Nature Magazine
On this week’s episode, we talk with Dr. Shoukhrat Mitalipov. Dr. Mitalipov is an Assistant Scientist and a Co-Director of the Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Embryonic Stem Cell Core Laboratory at the Oregon National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University. We talk with Dr. Mitalipov about his recent breakthrough in cloning monkey embryos and the scientific methods that got him there.
- Top 10 Scientific Breakthroughs of 2007 (see #9)
- Producing primate embryonic stem cells by somatic cell nuclear transfer (Nature)
- Scientists Use Monkey Clones to Extract Stem Cells (NY Times)
- Researchers Clone Monkeys for Stem Cells (Reuters)
- Stem-Cell Researchers Clone Monkey Embryo (NPR)
- Scientists claim to clone monkey embryos (MSNBC)
- Scientists Claim to Clone Monkey Embryos (ABC News)
- Scientists Claim to Clone Monkey Embryos (CBC)
- Oregon Scientists Say They’ve Cloned First Primate and Generated Stem Cells (Wired Blog Network)
- If Cloning Humans is Wrong, So Is Cloning Monkeys (Wired Blog Network)
Direct download: nsta_lol7.mp3