Episode 39 – Standards and Science Education

Barry Cartwright
Our guest this week is Barry Cartwright – the Science Content Specialist for the Colorado Department of Education. In November, Colorado recently released their Final Draft of the Colorado Academic Standards in Science. Barry discusses some of the highlights of the new Colorado science standards and the future of standards in science education.
- Colorado Academic Standards in Science – Final Draft, November 2009 (pdf)
- Colorado Science (Barry’s Blog)
- CDE Academic Support Collaboration Site: Barry Cartwright
- NSTA’s Science Anchors
- AAAS – Project 2061
Books Recommended By Barry:
- National Science Education Standards
- Ready, Set, Science (for K-8 science)
- Americas lab report (for high school science)
- How Students Learn: Science in the Classroom
- The World is Flat
- The Global Achievement Gap
Direct download: LOL39.mp3
Hi guys,
I enjoyed the podcast on science standards. I think a good point was made regarding the discussion on national standards or anchors. It sure seems like we are moving in that direction, a direction that has been stressed since the release of the original TIMMS report. But until that occurs, states are required to have standards and provide PD on these.
In Michigan, we have tried to align our standards to the national standards and I think we are pretty close. If we had to shift to national standards or anchors, I don’t think we would have a problem. The only issue might be in terms of grade level and specific courses.
I would be interested in what you or others think of our work. You can check them out at:
You can view our K-7 grade level content expectations, including supporting companion documents. And our Michigan Merit Curriculum for Science for grades 8-11, with supporting companion documents.
Keep up the good work,
David Bydlowski
Wayne County Mathematics and Science Center at Wayne RESA