Episode 63 – ThinkGeek and Re-purposing Electronics
This week we talk with Shane Peterman, PR Manager at ThinkGeek.com. In March, ThinkGeek introduced “Take These Broken Things“, a program where they were thinking* about sending boxes of broken stuff to deserving groups (like a school technology lab or a FIRST Robotics team).
We talk with Shane about the program, re-purposing electronics, and about the products available at ThinkGeek.com.
*After the interview was conducted, ThinkGeek announced an update to the program on their blog:
So. You guys are kinda into broken things, apparently. The little form below has logged 1,930 requests to date, so we know the interest is there and we’re giving this program a shot. In fact, we’ve sent out some already but it will take time to work through the list. We’re giving priority to groups–especially those that work with children or for educational, community reasons…
- ThinkGeek.com
- ThinkGeek Blog
- Take These Broken Things Program and Sign-up
- 2011 April Fools Items from ThinkGeek
- Think Geek Chocolate Bunny Zombies and TaunTaun Sleeping Bag
- Lab Out Loud April Fools: 2010, 2011
- Make Magazine
- EPA eCycling
- Gadget Trade-in and Recycling Programs That Pay
Brian’s Science Teacher Gift Recommendations from ThinkGeek:
- Periodic Table Refrigerator Magnets, Periodic Table Building Blocks, Periodic Table Shower Curtain
- Lab Science Cookie Cutters & Good Chemistry Salt and Pepper Shaker
- Laboratory Beaker Mug
- Giant Plush Microbes
- Radiometer
- Evolving Darwin Playset
- T-Shirts: Molar Mole t-shirt, Darwin’s Finches t-shirt, Ferrous Wheel t-shirt
- Books: Hungry Scientist Handbook, Why’s There Antifreeze in Your Toothpaste Book, 50 Dangerous Things Book
Featured Image: Actual dumpster divers at old ThinkGeek offices
Direct download: LOL63.mp3