Episode 64 – A Visit with Science Olympiad

Dr. Gerard Putz and Jennifer Kopach
In our final show of the season, we talk with Dr. Gerard J. Putz (President of Science Olympiad) and Jennifer Kopach (Marketing Director) about the Science Olympiad National Tournament to be hosted on May 20-21 by the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Listen and learn how Science Olympiad has changed and continues to be one of the premiere science competitions in the nation. Interested in starting a Science Olympiad team in your school? Get suggestions from the pros.
- Science Olympiad
- National Science Olympiad 2011 Tournament Website
- SO State Websites
- The Science Olympiad Urban Schools Initiative in Chicago Public Schools
- Science Olympiad goes to the White House
- SO recent partnerships with the US Armed Forces
- Science Olympiad’s inclusion in IL Governor Quinn’s P-20 Career and College Readiness Committee
- Our Alumni Surveys — where are some of our participants now
- The Science of Fringe
Featured Image Courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/alisebel/5697226000/sizes/l/in/photostream/
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