Episode 85 – NASA Wavelength
This week we learn about a new digital resource called NASA Wavelength. Organized by topic and audience level, NASA Wavelength delivers a powerful search of Earth and space science resources funded through NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.
We were able to chat about NASA Wavelength with Theresa Schwerin (Vice President, Education; Lead, NASA Earth Science Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) Forum; Institute for Global Environmental Strategies), Laura Peticolas (Director, Center for Science Education; Senior Fellow, Space Sciences Laboratory; Lead, NASA Heliophysics Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) Forum; University of California, Berkeley), and Darrell Porcello, Chief Technology Officer; Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley).
- NASA Wavelength
- About NASA Wavelength
- New NASA Online Resource Available for Educators and Students (Press Release)
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