Using Science Journalism in the Classroom with @majohnso
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This week we welcome journalist Mark Johnson to the show. As medical and science journalist for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, researching and communicating science to the public is the core of Mark’s work. Excelling in long form journalism, Mark shared the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for One In A Billion: A Boy’s Life, a Medical Mystery. Mark joins us to tell us about his experiences in science journalism and to discuss his new series from the lab of Dr. Murray Blackmore. Listen to the show to see how you might use science articles in the classroom to learn science content, discuss ethical issues and examine examples of real scientific research.
- One In A Billion: A boy’s life, a medical mystery (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
- Murray’s Problem: Scientist and Son (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
- Journal Sentinel Wins Pulitzer Prize for ‘One in a Billion’ DNA Series
- Milwaukee School of Engineering Center for Biomolecular Modeling
- 2012 Science Olympiad Protein Modeling Event: The Molecular Story of XIAP (Teacher Resources)
- NOVA: Cracking Your Genetic Code (coverage of Volker story)
- DNA: The Secret of Life by James Watson (Amazon.com)