Make Collaborative, Beautiful Graphs with Plot.ly
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Inspired by a session at the NSTA 2015 Conference in Chicago, we talk with Plot.ly founder and COO Matt Sundquist. As a relatively young graphing program, Plot.ly makes it easy to collaboratively analyze and visualize data. Matt talks to us about Plot.ly, how it can be used in the science classroom, and how you can even import real data into this powerful online tool.
- Plot.ly
- Plot.ly Tutorials
- Plot.ly Blog
- The Plot.ly team
- Graphs made by Matt
- As It Happens – Blame the Moon
Other tools suggested by Matt:
- WebPlotDigitizer – turns images of graphs into data
- import.io – Instantly turn web pages into data
- GIF Brewery – convert clips of video into GIFs
Dale’s Plot.ly graphs mentioned in the episode:
Brian’s Arduino Weather Station:
- Brian’s Basement Weather DataStream (photo)
- Bringing Science Home: Integrating the Science Classroom with the Internet of Things (Sparkfun Session at NSTA 2015 Conference)
- Home weather station on Plot.ly (as mentioned in episode)
- Plot.ly Workshop: Interface with your favorite hardware!