Leading With Awesome: How to Make a Good Science Video
As we have been talking about science videos lately, we decided to investigate what it takes to make a good science video. So we invited Derek Muller, creator and host of Veritasium: An Element of Truth to the show. Veritasium is a YouTube channel of science and engineering videos featuring experiments
- YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/veritasium
- veritasium.com
- Video summary of Derek’s PhD on the effectiveness of science videos
- Good Thinking!
- Episode 130: Good Thinking! from @SmithsonianSci
- Crash Course Astronomy
- Episode 122: CrashCourse Astronomy with @BadAstronomer
- Episode 98: NGSS Videos from BozemanScience
- Khan Academy
- Episode 131: Sal Khan Explains the Breakthrough Junior Challenge
Connect with our guest:
- YouTube www.youtube.com/veritasium
- Twitter twitter.com/veritasium
- Google+ plus.google.com/+veritasium
- Instagram instagram.com/veritasium/
- Facebook www.facebook.com/veritasium
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