Teachable Moments and other Seismology Resources from IRIS
Our guests this week come from IRIS – the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology. Michael Hubenthal (senior education specialist) and John Taber (Director of Education and Public Outreach) join us to talk about the educational opportunities in seismology and earth science available from IRIS. Listen to the show to learn how you can use IRIS’s recent earthquake teachable moments, earthquake browser, and how you can search for seismology lessons and demonstrations.
- Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
- Recent Earthquake Teachable Moments: Be prepared to teach about the latest newsworthy quake within 24 hours of the event
- IRIS Earthquake Browser: Explore millions of seismic event epicenters (normally earthquakes) on an interactive map of the world or 3D viewer
- IRIS Lessons and Demonstrations: Find resources to shake up your Earth science or physics instruction… animations, demos, labs, and more!
- jAmaSeis: Monitor ground motion (and Earthquakes) from a nearby seismic station (no seismograph needed!)
- San Andreas: Hollywood Fantasy is Not California Reality
Connect with our guests:
- IRIS EPO Facebook page
- IRIS EPO Twitter account @IRIS_EPO
- IRIS Teachable Moments Twitter account @IRIS_quakes
- Michael Hubenthal: IRIS Senior Education Specialist
- John Taber: IRIS Director of Education and Public Outreach
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