A Space Engineer’s Guide to Exploration
Our guest this week is Shaun Whitehead, space engineer and founder of Thumbsat. Dreaming of once becoming an astronaut, Shaun now provides the engineering reality to put experiments in space with Thumbsat – a thumbsize platform for space exploration complete with microcontroller, camera, radio, GPS and temperature sensors. Thumbsat data can be harvested through Thumbnet, a global network of monitoring stations (which can even be built by schools). Listen now to hear Shaun explain what a space engineer is and how you might inspire your students to put an experiment into space.
- Thumbsat
- The Thumbsat Challenge
- The Architecture of Radio
- Itty Bitty Satellites Could Carry Your Experiments to Space (Wired)
- Tiny Thumbsats Aim to Bring Space to All (Discovery)
Connect with our guest:
- Twitter: @thumbsat
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/thumbsat
Don’t forget to plan your trip to the NSTA National Conference on Science Education in Nashville, March 31-April 3.
See http://www.nsta.org/conferences/national.aspx for registration, schedule, sessions, exhibits and housing.
Don’t forget to follow #NSTA2016 on social media!
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