Click on Penguins for Science

Dr. Tom Hart
Our guest for this mini-lab episode is Dr. Tom Hart – penguinologist and lead researcher for Penguin Watch. Penguin Watch is a project that collects images of penguins and other seabirds from cameras scattered throughout the Southern Ocean. These images are shared online where citizen scientists can easily identify adult penguins, chicks and eggs. Listen to the show to hear how you and your students can help monitor penguins and other seabirds with just the click of a mouse.
Schools and classes that want to get more involved can contact Dr. Hart (tom.hart@zoo.ox.ac.uk) to connect them with a specific colony, as well as get feedback on it. See https://blog.zooniverse.org/tag/penguin-watch-2-0/ for more information.
- penguinwatch.org
- Public Asked to Aid Antarctic Research (BBC)
- Scientists Need You to Count Cute Baby Penguins (Washington Post)
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