Dr. Carin Bondar: Using Sex to Teach Biological Concepts

Dr. Carin Bondar
This week we talk sex with Dr. Carin Bondar (specifically, we discuss how science teachers can use sex to teach biological concepts). As biologist, writer and presenter, Dr. Carin Bondar hosts an independent web series called Wild Sex and has just released her second book, also titled Wild Sex. Listen to the show to hear ideas on how you might utilize biological sex to teach concepts such as population biology, sexual selection and other concepts in your secondary science classroom.
Advisory: As we would always recommend when using media with students, make sure to preview any content for appropriateness.
- carinbondar.com
- Wild Sex (YouTube), produced by Earth Touch
- Wild Sex (Amazon)
- “The Birds and the Bees are Just the Beginning” (TED)
- “Wild Sex with Dr. Carin Bondar – Unorthodox Informal Science Education” (Forbes)
Connect with our guest:
- Twitter: @carinbondar
- YouTube
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