First Crew To Mars Is Likely In Middle School Right Now – Help Prepare Them With Generation Beyond

Stephen Frick
Our guest this week is former astronaut Stephen Frick, Director of Strategic Planning and Operations at the Lockheed Martin Space Systems Advanced Technology Center. Lockheed Martin and Discovery Education have partnered to launch the next phase of Generation Beyond – an initiative to use science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education to prepare today’s middle school students for deep space exploration. With engaging online curriculum, a virtual field trip, and a video challenge for students, Generation Beyond seeks to engage students in grades 6-8 in STEM careers and help them prepare to make these deep space missions a reality. Listen now to hear about Stephen recall his work as an astronaut and learn how you can help inspire today’s students to become the next generation of engineers and space explorers.
- Generation Beyond
- Generation Beyond in School
- Generation Beyond Online Curriculum
- Lockheed Martin
- Hello Mars App
Connect with our guest:
- Twitter: @LockheedMartin
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/lockheedmartin
- Twitter: @DiscoveryEd
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/discoveryed/
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Listening now…this is so awesome. 🙂