Creating Meaningful Learning Experiences for Educators

Fred Ende
Making his fourth appearance with Lab Out Loud, we welcome Fred Ende back to the show. As the Assistant Director of Curriculum and Instructional Services for a cooperative educational service in New York, Fred regularly designs, takes part in, observes, evaluates, and delivers professional development. Most recently, Fred has written a book on professional development entitled Professional Development That Sticks, where he seeks to answer how to approach professional development in a thoughtful way, keep teachers motivated, and make the whole process worthwhile. In addition to being our “PD therapist”, Fred joins Lab Out Loud to share some strategies in creating meaningful learning experiences and suggests how we might retain more of our learning after it’s complete.
- Professional Development that Sticks: How Do I Create Meaningful Learning Experiences for Educators? (ASCD, the publisher)
- Professional Development that Sticks (Amazon)
- Episode 125: Follow #NGSSChat on Twitter
- Episode 106: Story Assessments in Science
- Episode 76: Not Another Lab Report
Connect with our guest:
- Twitter: @fredende
- www.fredende.com
Featured Image taken at a professional development conference by Harlin Miller.
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