Safer Science and the Duty of Care

Dr. Ken Roy
Making his third appearance on Lab Out Loud, we welcome Dr. Ken Roy back to discuss safety in science classrooms and other potentially harmful areas (such as makerspaces). This fall, Ken launched the NSTA Safety Blog to share commentaries on the latest safety issues, legal standards and better professional practices. Ken reminds us about important science safety practices such as yearly safety training, our duty of care when working with students in foreseeable harmful situations, and the need to make sure your eye wash station works before you do labs that might require its use. Listen to the show to hear how you can learn important safety tips and how to submit your own questions to the NSTA Safety Blog.
- NSTA Safety Blog – Commentaries which share latest safety issues, legal standards and better professional practices. The blog also is designed to engage science educators around the topic of safety by having them submit questions and comments
- NSTA Safety Portal – Contains many Internet safety resources and safety issue papers on critical topics by the NSTA Safety Advisory Board.
- NSTA E-mail lists – Provides opportunities for science teachers to share curriculum and instruction information along with safety concerns in their particular field of science education.
- NSTA Press Store Safety Books – Sample safety books published and/or sold by NSTA
- Episode 88: MakingThe Change from MSDS to SDS
- Episode 22: When Good Chemicals Go Bad
Connect with our guest:
- Twitter @drroysafersci
- Dr. Ken Roy on LinkedIn – get safety announcements, safety posts and more on LinkedIn.
We always love to hear from you – our listeners. Do you have any ideas for guests? What topics in science and science education need to be addressed? Submit your comments, concerns and suggestions through our contact page or tweet to us at @laboutloud.
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