Find Science and Technology Videos from Sloan Science and Film

Sonia Epstein
Our guest this week is Sonia Epstein, the Executive Editor of the Museum of the Moving Image’s online publication Science & Film. Supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Science & Film is devoted to exploring the intersection of science and film and enhancing the public’s understanding of science and technology. Sonia joins us to talk about Sloan films and the recently released teacher’s guide that includes information on 46 short films that you can use with students. Listen to the show to see how you might use Sloan films to help engage students in STEAM learning.
- Sloan Science & Film
- The Sloan Science & Film Teacher’s Guide
- Museum of the Moving Image
- Sonia Epstein, Museum of the Moving Image
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Connect with our guest:
Facebook: @scienceandfilm
Twitter: @MovingImageNYC
- Sonia Epstein on Twitter: @soniaepstein
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