Learning the Rules with Sean B. Carroll

Dr. Sean B Carroll
To close season 10, we welcome back Dr. Sean B. Carroll – award-winning scientist, writer, and educator. Dr. Carroll’s new book, The Serengeti Rules, examines the fundamental question of how life works as he uncovers the rules that determine the what controls the number of species in an environment and the diversity within that community. What this molecular biologist learns in the field provides insights into evolution, conservation and functional environmentalism that can resonate with everyone on the local and global level. Listen to the show to hear how Dr. Carroll shares compelling stories of science that include exploration with epic adventures, surprise, and even a little detective work in The Serengeti Rules.
Featured image (Sunset Mbalageti) courtesy of Calle v H from http://flickr.com/photos/45882720@N00/257669931 licensed under cc-by-2.0
- seanbcarroll.com/
- Dr. Sean Carroll, HHMI
- The Carroll Lab
- The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover How Life Works and Why It Matters (Amazon)
- Sean B. Carroll Wins Lewis Thomas Prize
- Episode 40: Being Sean Carroll
- Episode 26: Stories of Evolution
- Episode 2: Biologist Sean B. Carroll
- Periodicity Episode 35: Sean B. Carroll on Evolution
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