Learn Science with Che[M]ystery – a Science Graphic Novel #teachercreated

Christopher Preece
To kickoff season 11, we welcome Christopher Preece to the show. As a high school chemistry teacher, Chris recently created Che[M]ystery – a graphic novel that teaches chemistry concepts. Written by Preece and illustrated by Josh Reynolds, Che[M]ystery follows the adventures of two kids as they gain superpowers, fight a radioactive monster and learn some science along the way. Chris joins us to discuss how he created Che[M]ystery, and shares how he uses it to capture student imaginations in his chemistry classes.
- Atomic Universe
- Che[M]ystery (Thunderstone Books)
- Episode 124: The Illustrated Women in Science
- Episode 70: Go Back in Time with Terra Tempo
- Jim Ottaviani (Amazon page)
- Howtoons
- Facebook: chris.preece
- Twitter: @AtomicUniverse
- Instagram: Atomic_Universe
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