Teaching as a True Profession

John Ewing and Megan Roberts
From Math for America, we welcome John Ewing (President) and Megan Roberts (Executive Director) to the show. With a goal of making teaching a viable, rewarding and respected career, MƒA provides a mechanism that encourages professional STEM educators to engage in their subject matter while working in a collaborative and supportive environment. In practice, MƒA’s fellowship program engages New York City teachers to engage in professional growth within a professional community that receives professional recognition. John and Megan join us to discuss the success of the Math for America model, how it can be replicated across the nation, and emphasize the importance of teaching as a true profession.
- Math for America
- John Ewing, MƒA’s President
- Megan Roberts, MƒA’s Executive Director,
- MƒA’s Fall 2017-2018 Course Catalog
- MƒA’s Professional Development Resources
- MƒA In The News
- MƒA’s Just a Teacher video (YouTube)
- Facebook: @mathforamerica
- Twitter: @MathforAmerica
- Math for America YouTube Channel
- Megan Roberts on Twitter: @MeganRobertsMfA
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