Learn Science with Crack the Circuit and Other Physics Games #teachercreated

Matt Blackman
Continuing with a theme of teacher created content, we are proud to share Matt Blackman’s physics games and apps. As physics teacher and adjunct instructor at the Rutgers Graduate School of Education, Matt founded The Universe & More where he creates educational games and apps such as Crack the Circuit and Action Graphing. Matt joins us to talk about his games, how they might supplement and enhance (but not replace) good teaching, and how you can use them (with the companion worksheets) in your science classroom.
Do you have any teacher created content that you’d like to share with science educators? Share your work with us through our contact page or tweet to us at @laboutloud and you could be featured on the show!
- CracktheCircuit.com
- The Universe and More
- Episode 169: Che[M]ystery #teachercreated
Social Media:
- Twitter: @UniverseAndMore
- Facebook: @theUniverseandMore
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