Lab Out Loud fans, we need your help!

Support Lab Out Loud

Support Lab Out Loud

We’re grateful for loyal listeners like you who have been following our show for years.

Through these years, we’ve been fortunate to interview scientists, teachers, celebrities, and also listeners like you.

As science teachers, science education has been our passion and we suspect it’s your passion too! Each show is created with the focus – science for the classroom, and beyond.

Looking forward, we’re asking for your help to move to the next step. We see the future of Lab Out Loud expanding into new areas. Our goal is to create more engagement for listeners with things like prizes, live interviews, and video shows. To reach this goal, we’ve created a Patreon page. Patreon is a simple way for you to support Lab Out Loud.

If you’ve been listening to Lab Out Loud, played an episode in the classroom for students, or simply value teacher-driven support for science education, please consider supporting our show by becoming a Lab Out Loud Patreon.

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