A Breath of Fresh Science Writing from Sam Kean

Sam Kean
Making his third appearance on Lab Out Loud, we welcome science storyteller Sam Kean back to the show. As author of The Disappearing Spoon and The Violinist’s Thumb, Sam has a new book out called Caesar’s Last Breath: Decoding the Secrets of the Air Around Us. Sam joins us to talk about how a chemistry thought problem lead to the title of his new book, why we should care about the air around us, and he also shares some insights on science writing.
Podcast Suggestion: Listen to Greg Smith interview Faith Boniger on Student Privacy from the NEPC.
- samkean.com
- Caesar’s Last Breath
- Episode 52: Science We Can Read About
- Episode 83: Sam Kean’s Stories from the Human Genome
Connect with our guest:
- Twitter: @sam_kean
- Facebook: @SamKeanBooks

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