Learn About Everyday Chemicals with The Organic Coloring Book #kidcreated #teachercreated

Kaylie, Elaina and Neil Garg
We have had many different guests on Lab Out Loud, from scientists to teachers, authors to celebrities, Nobel Laureates, and even a couple Knights! But this week we are proud to introduce our youngest guest ever on the show. Ten year old Elaina Garg and her younger sister Kaylie wrote The Organic Coloring Book with the help of their father Neil, a professor at UCLA. Designed to help kids learn about common chemicals around them, the Organic Coloring Book features over 25 pages of chemicals to draw, complete with Cheesy the Mouse as a guide to the reader. Elaina and Neil join us to talk about why they made this coloring book, how they chose the chemical structures to feature, and how this experience made Neil a better teacher.
Featured image of Kaylie holding the Organic Coloring Book courtesy of Neil Garg
- The Organic Coloring Book (Amazon.com)
- BACON Tutorials
- The Color of Organic Chemistry and a Meaty Structure Mistake (C&EN)
- Neil’s TEDX talk
- Music video hall of fame
- Neil’s lab website (including teaching stuff)
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