Minecraft Education: Chemistry Update

Neal Manegold
Our guest this week is Neal Manegold, director of Minecraft Education. Many listeners are probably familiar with Minecraft, and a few might even know about Minecraft Education Edition, which builds on the open-world game while promoting creativity, collaboration and problem solving in a teacher supervised environment. Now students can learn some science in the Minecraft world with the recent Chemistry update of Minecraft Education Edition. Join us to hear Neal explain Minecraft Education Edition and discuss how the new chemistry update can allow students to combine and reduce materials within the Minecraft world to explore states of matter, the structure of atoms, chemical reactions and more.
Make sure to visit Minecraft Education at the NSTA National Conference in Atlanta (booth 1516)
- Minecraft: Education Edition website
- Minecraft: Education Edition blog
- Get started with Minecraft: Education Edition
- Learn about Chemistry Update for Minecraft: Education Edition
Dale uses Minecraft in elementary math lesson:
Connect With our Guest:
- Facebook: Minecraft: Education Edition
- Twitter: @NealManegold
- Twitter: @PlayCraftLearn
- YouTube: Minecraft: Education Edition
- Twitch: PlayCraftLearn
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