The Bioethics of CRISPR for Students #sciencecareers

R. Alta Charo
Recognizing that CRISPR and other genome editing technologies have rapidly outpaced standard textbook knowledge, we reached out to R. Alta Charo, professor of Law and Bioethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Alta joins us to talk about the ethics of CRISPR and genome editing, what current students and parents might need to know about biotechnological advances in genome editing, and the increasing importance of careers at the intersection of science, policy and law.
- R. Alta Charo, Warren P. Knowles Professor of Law and Bioethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Human Genome Editing: Science, Ethics and Governance. (2017). The National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine
- Genome Editing and Human Reproduction: Social and Ethical Issues. (2018). Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
Portrait of Alta Charo courtesy of Jeff Miller, UW-Madison
Featured image “CRISPR Cas9” courtesy of Ernesto del Aguila III, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH
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