Learning Science Through Ephemeral Art

Peggy Ashbrook and Sandra Redmore
This week we talk about science in art that can be done with some of our youngest learners. To talk about their experiences with preschoolers learning science concepts through ephemeral artwork, we welcome to the show Sandra Redmore (director of the Clarendon Childcare Center in Arlington, VA) and Peggy Ashbrook (an early childhood science teacher and The Early Years columnist for NSTA’s Science and Children). Listen to the show to hear how you can get started making ephemeral art to learn science with any age learner.
- NSTA Early Years Blog
- Ephemeral art exploring properties of matter, natural materials (NSTA Blog Early Years)
- Moving water involves using the practices of science and engineering (NSTA Blog Early Years)
- Clarendon Child Care Center
- Exploring Emphemeral Art
- Learning How to Make and Build with Cob
- Always Becoming (Wikipedia Entry)
- Always Becoming: Nora Naranjo-Morse’s Vision of Change and Renewal
- Andy Goldsworth (Wikipedia Entry)
- Last Child in the Woods (Richard Louv)
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