Engineering Thinking and Design in STEM Toys and Books

Monica Cardella and Elizabeth Gajdzik
This week we talk STEM gifts with Monica Cardella and Elizabeth Gajdzik from Purdue’s INSPIRE Research Institute. Each year, the INSPIRE lab evaluates toys, games, and books that engage girls and boys in engineering thinking and design. Monica and Elizabeth join us to talk about some gifts on the list, how they are evaluated and share some advice for educators who would like to incorporate STEM toys and Makerspaces in their instruction.
- Engineering Gift Guide
- INSPIRE Research Institute for Pre-College Engineering
- Other resources from INSPIRE
- The Ten Best STEM Toys to Give as Gifts This Year (Smithsonian)
Connect with our Guest:
- Twitter: @PurdueINSPIRE
- Facebook: @PurdueInspire
- Instagram: @PurdueINSPIRE
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