4000 Exoplanets and Counting

Phil Plait (The Bad Astronomer)
For our 200th episode, we welcome Phil Plait (The Bad Astronomer) back to the show. Phil joins us to discuss the current status of exoplanet discovery and gives us a glimpse of what we might find in the future. Listen to the show to hear Phil discuss new techniques and technologies in planet hunting, looking for life on other worlds and the role of science in science fiction.
- Bad Astronomy (SyFy)
- The Curious Case of the First Exoplanet Ever Found: Gamma Cephei AB (Bad Astronomy)
- Gravity Betrays the Presence of a Planet Orbiting a Binary Star 10,000 Light Years from Earth (Bad Astronomy)
- Crash Course Astronomy #27: Exoplanets
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Related Episodes:
- Lab Out Loud Episode 122: Crash Course Astronomy with The Bad Astronomer
- Lab Out Loud Episode 58: Exploring New Worlds with Kepler
- Lab Out Loud Episode 24: The Bad Astronomer Returns
- Lab Out Loud Episode 12: Skepticism and The Bad Astronomer
Featured image courtesy of NASA (Little Black Spot on the Star Today – Artist’s Concept)
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