What is Life? A Podcast Series from Carl Zimmer

Carl Zimmer
This week we welcome science writer Carl Zimmer to the show. As Zimmer often writes about life, he has been wondering about the concept of life and if there is a way to properly define it. To shed some light on the matter, he recently hosted a series of live conversations with some leading thinkers on life—including chemists, physicists, and a philosopher . Supported by a grant from Science Sandbox, these conversations are now available as a podcast of seven episodes called “What is Life?” Zimmer joins us to discuss the concept of life, shares with us some insights from his guests and even reveals how his thinking about life changed based on these conversations.
- What is Life? A Podcast Series (Medium)
- Matter. A weekly science column for the New York Times
- She Has Her Mother’s Laugh. Best Science Book of 2018—The Guardian
More information at carlzimmer.com
Connect with our Guest:
Twitter: @carlzimmer.com
Facebook: @carlzimmerauthor
Featured image courtesy of Carl Zimmer, artwork by Caryn Audenried.
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