Investigating Circadian Rhythms and Sleep #ScientistOutLoud

Katherine Hatcher
This week we welcome Katherine Hatcher to the show. As a fifth year Neuroscience PhD Candidate at University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, Katherine investigates circadian rhythms and how exposure to environmental factors alters behavior and physiology, particularly in midlife women. Katherine joins us to discuss her path into research, her day-to-day work as a scientist, and how we might apply research in her field to help live our lives better.
We found Katherine (and many other scientists) on #sciencetwitter. Throughout season 13, we will be showcasing some of these scientists and their work.
- About Katherine Hatcher
- Endocrine Disruptors Podcast (with co-host Katherine Hatcher)
Connect with our guest:
- Twitter: @ssuperchiasmatic
- @
endocrinepod (For the podcast, Endocrine Disruptors)
Featured image (Satellite Image of Earth at Night) courtesy of NASA.
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