From Psychology to Animal Research, a Discussion with Dr. Lauren Robinson #ScientistOutLoud

Lauren Robinson
Our guest this week is Dr. Lauren Robinson. As a postdoc at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria, Lauren studies cooperation and partner roles in canids – particularly with North American Grey Wolves. Lauren joins us to discuss how she uses her background in psychology in her animal research, describes navigating through scientific research in another country, and shares a little about what we might learn from the social behavior of wolves.
We found Lauren (and many other scientists) on #sciencetwitter. Throughout season 13, we will be showcasing some of these scientists and their work.
- Wolf Science Center
- Domestication Lab at Konrad-Lorenz-Institut für Vergleichende Verhaltensforschung
- Animal Behaviour Pro (iOS app store) by Nicholas Newton-Fischer
- Measuring Behavior: An Introductory Guide, by Paul Martin and Patrick Bateson (Amazon)
Social Media:
- Twitter: @DrLMRobinson
Register now for the 68th Annual NSTA
National Conference on Science Education in Boston: April 2-5, 2020
Looking for a transcript of the show? While we don’t generate transcripts, you can find the show on YouTube at www.youtube.com/labOut
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