We Believe in Dinosaurs: Exploring America’s Relationship with Science

Clayton Brown and Monica Long Ross
To conclude our segment on video in science education, we are joined this week by filmmakers Clayton Brown and Monica Long from 137 Films. This Chicago-based documentary production company promotes science through storytelling by exploring how its search for answers impacts our cultural, political, and personal lives. Directed by Clayton and Monica, We Believe in Dinosaurs follows the building of the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky to opening day. By focusing on the human aspect of the story, the documentary allows the viewer to understand the challenge that mainstream scientists and teachers face as they try to educate America on the bedrock of the biological sciences: evolution. Clayton and Monica join us to talk about We Believe in Dinosaurs, what they learned about America’s relationship with science while making it, and how the documentary can help science educators better understand the students coming into their classrooms.
- 137 Films
- We Believe in Dinosaurs (Independent Lens)
- The Atom Smashers (Independent Lens)
- The Believers trailer (YouTube)
Connect with our Guest:
- Twitter: @137Films
- Facebook: @137Films
- YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/137FilmsNFP
Featured artwork and guest image courtesy of 137 Films
Looking for a transcript of the show? While we don’t generate transcripts, you can find the show on YouTube at www.youtube.com/labOut
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