Exploring real world issues, research and developing STEAM identities with Meet the Lab

Megan Monday and Travis Tangen
This week we explore Meet The Lab, a new educational resource from PBS Wisconsin Education designed for middle school science classrooms. Similar to our #ScientistOutLoud series, Meet the Lab introduces students to real world issues, scientific practices and concepts, and also to the people that work together to research and solve problems using science. To guide us through this new resource, we are joined by Megan Monday, Executive Producer at PBS Wisconsin in the Education Department and Travis Tangen, Education and Outreach Manager at the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). Listen to the show to learn about Meet the Lab, its focus on connecting students to real life researchers and why their work matters, and how the project can help students develop their own STEAM identities.
Meet the Lab is a collaboration between PBS Wisconsin Education, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and the Morgridge Institute
Connect with our Guest:
- Twitter @PBSWisconsinEdu
- PBS Wisconsin Education Innovators (educator only FB group)
Photos and featured artwork courtesy Meet the Lab
Looking for a transcript of the show? While we don’t generate transcripts, you can find the show on YouTube at www.youtube.com/labOut
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