Dr. Stefania Kapsetaki, Searching for Cancer in Chimerism #ScientistOutLoud
Our guest this week is Dr. Stefania Kapsetaki, a postdoctoral research fellow at Arizona State University at the Arizona Cancer & Evolution Center. Joining us from Greece, where she is working remotely during the pandemic, Dr. Kapsetaki is studying chimerism across the tree of life and its potential impact in triggering cancer. Representing a relatively new field of research in life science, chimerism occurs when organisms contain cells from other organisms. Dr. Kapsetaki joins us to talk about her research, how she is able to continue her work through the pandemic, and how discoveries in chimerism might impact our health and understanding of life science.
We found Dr. Kapsetaki (and many other scientists) on #sciencetwitter. Throughout season 14, we will be showcasing some of these scientists and their work.
Connect with our Guest:
- Dr. Steffi Kapsetaki: @MOU_Steffi
- Kapsetaki Twins @KapsetakiTwins
- ASU Evolution & Medicine @evmedasu
- Arizona Cancer Evolution Center @
ace_arizona - The Maley Lab @maleylab
- The Aktipis Lab @
AktipisLab - Facebook: @kapsetakitwins
Photos and featured artwork courtesy of Dr. Steffi Kapsetaki
Looking for a transcript of the show? While we don’t generate transcripts, you can find the show on YouTube at www.youtube.com/labOut
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