Igniting Science Curiosity Across Africa

Irene Nyangoma, Joy Kiano, and Gosia Lukomska
As we continue to explore how science education has adapted to during the pandemic, a new science TV show out of Africa caught our eye. In part created to accommodate learning at home through broadcast television, N*Gen has grown into a Pan-African TV show that encourages science across borders and allows African children to see themselves as scientists. With a STEM focus, episodes include engaging animations, hands-on experiments, tips for healthy living and clips from teachers across the continent. To tell us more about N*Gen and how it’s made, we welcome Irene Nyangoma (a teacher in Uganda, writer and main host), Joy Kiano (a teacher in Kenya and science writer), and Gosia Lukomska (producer) to Lab Out Loud. Listen now, then watch N*Gen on the Africa Channel or on YouTube!
- N*GenTVAfrica on YouTube
- PV International
- N*Gen (The Africa Channel)
Connect with our Guests:
- YouTube @ngentvafrica
- Instagram @ngentvafrica
- Facebook @ngentvafrica
Looking for a transcript of the show? While we don’t generate transcripts, you can find the show on YouTube at www.youtube.com/labOut
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