Bringing Science Home with Science Buddies

Dr. Benjamin Finio and Dr. Svenja Lohner
As schooling has expanded into our homes during the pandemic, it’s no surprise that online resources geared towards learning at home have been extremely valuable. That’s why our exploration into science at home connects us with Ben Finio and Svenja Lohner, both senior staff scientists at Science Buddies. With an emphasis on providing kid-friendly, bite-sized STEM learning activities for students to do at home, Science Buddies also offers a robust array of resources like science news, interactive simulations, NGSS-aligned lesson plans, and the powerful Topic Selection Wizard – a personalized science interest quiz designed to help students find a project that fits their own interests. Listen to the show, then visit Science Buddies to find your next science activity, no matter where your classroom is located!
Connect with our Guest:
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.
com/user/ScienceBuddiesTV/ - Facebook: https://www.
facebook.com/ScienceBuddies - Twitter: https://twitter.com/
ScienceBuddies - Pinterest: https://pinterest.
com/sciencebuddies/ - Instagram: https://www.
instagram.com/scibuddy/ - LinkedIn: https://www.
linkedin.com/company/science- buddies
Featured image courtesy of Science Buddies
Looking for a transcript of the show? While we don’t generate transcripts, you can find the show on YouTube at www.youtube.com/labOut
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