The Impact of Pop Culture and Video Creation in Science Education

Rhett Allain
With a shift to online learning during the pandemic, students have relied on watching and creating more videos. But how has that impacted science education? To help answer that question, we invited Rhett Allain back to Lab Out Loud. Rhett shares some tips and suggestions for online learning – especially dealing with online math. Spoiler alert! He suggests that students make a video to showcase their learning. Rhett also describes his work as technical advisor at McGyver, then takes some time to geek out with us about science that is portrayed (and ignored) in pop culture.
About our Guest:
An Associate Professor of physics at Southeastern Louisiana University, Rhett is also a physics blogger for Wired and Medium, creates videos for YouTube and serves as the technical consultant for the TV show McGyver.
- Rhett Allain, Associate Professor at Southeastern Louisiana University
- Rhett Allain at Wired
- Rhett Allain at Medium
- MacGyver Science: Quarantine + N95 + Landline + Telescope + Social Distance (medium.com)
- Hey Students! Here’s How to Deal With School in a Pandemic (wired.com)
- How Long Would It Take for a 747 to Stop, Like in Tenet? (wired.com)
- How to Play YouTube Videos at Custom Speed
Rhett Allain on Lab Out Loud:
- Episode 156 – Googling and McGyvering
- Episode 99 – Rhett Allain: Blogging, Birds and Movies
- Episode 51 – Science We Can Blog About
Connect with our Guest:
Featured image from MacGyver, S5 featuring a makeshift ventilator
Looking for a transcript of the show? While we don’t generate transcripts, you can find the show on YouTube at www.youtube.com/labOut
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