Zombie Science Returns

Dr. Steven Schlozman
For the last decade, this episode on zombie neurobiology has been a seasonal favorite. Listen to Dr. Steven Schlozman describe how to use zombies to teach science.
We’re looking for science teachers to talk about smartphones in the classroom. Are you a science teacher that can’t teach without them, have you found a good classroom management technique to control them, or something in between? Contact Lab Out Loud if you’re interested in talking on the show.
- “The Zombie Autopsies” (Amazon.com)
- The Zombie Autopsies Book Trailer
- George Romero Continues Undead Obsession with ‘Zombie Autopsies’
- A Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Zombie Neurobiology
- Inside Zombie Brains: Sci-fi Teaches Science (CNN)
- The Neuropsychology of Zombies (Boston.com)
- Essential Zombie Films
- The Walking Dead, AFC
- Zombiecows.com
- “Drunken Bird Day” – Cedar Waxwings
- Lessons for the classroom: PBS NewsHour Presents: The Zombie Autopsies
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