More Science and Technology Videos from Sloan Science and Film
Sloan Science and Film is an online publication from the Museum of the Moving Image that examines the intersection of science and film. As curator of Science and Technology at the museum and the Executive Editor of scienceandfilm.org, Sonia Epstein returns to Lab Out Loud to discuss how Sloan films were used during the pandemic, how you can use the teacher’s guide with over 60 science-themed short films available to stream, and what you might find if you get a chance to visit the Museum of the Moving Image.
- Sloan Science & Film
- The Sloan Science & Film Teacher’s Guide
- Museum of the Moving Image
- Sonia Epstein, Museum of the Moving Image
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Connect with our guest:
- Facebook: @scienceandfilm
- Twitter: @MovingImageNYC
- Instagram: @movingimagenyc
- Sonia Epstein on Twitter: @soniasepstein
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Pingback: More Science and Technology Videos from Sloan Science and Film | Sloan Science and Film is an online publication from the Museum of the Moving Image that examines the intersection of science and film. As curator of