The Bald and the Beautiful: Tales from the Nest in Big Bear Valley

Meet the Friends of Big Bear Valley, a group that maintains two solar powered webcams focused on Jackie and Shadow, a pair of bald eagles in Big Bear Valley, California. Executive Director Sandy Steers and Candee Roberts join us to share a little of Jackie and Shadow’s life while describing the continuous challenges that the eagles face. Listen to the show to learn how you can observe these eagles in your classroom for environmental awareness, appreciation and enjoyment.
About the Nest: The nest is located in Big Bear Valley in the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern California. It is about 145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine tree. The nest is the current home for Jackie and Shadow, a local bald eagle pair.
What’s happening at the nest: Unfortunately, Jackie and Shadow’s eggs were scavenged by ravens on 3/7/2023. It appears that the eggs were undeveloped.
Featured image courtesy of Friends of Big Bear Valley Webcam
- Big Bear Valley Eagle Cam #1
- Big Bear Valley Eagle Cam #2
- Friends of Big Bear Valley
- FOBBV Recaps and Observations
- Friends of Big Bear Valley Shop
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