This Comic Book Shares Secrets of Everyday Hidden Systems

Artist Dan Nott joins Lab Out Loud to tell us about his new graphic nonfiction book called Hidden Systems. With the help of visual metaphors, Dan illustrates systems that we often take for granted, such as the internet, the electrical grid, and providing water. Hidden Systems reveals these difficult to understand and often hidden systems that we tend to care about most when they aren’t working. Through his research and art, Dan also reveals their history, with sometimes uncomfortable truths about our past that are literally hardwired into our present.
- Hidden Systems from dannott.com
- Dan Nott’s projects
- Hidden Systems is the book I’ll use to teach my kids how the internet works. Hollister, Sean. 17 Mar 2023. The Verge.
- Veritasium explains another hidden system – concrete!
Featured image courtesy of Dan Nott
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