We Can’t Recycle our Way Out of This: The Hidden Cost of Cheap Technology

Are you getting new laptops this year? Have you wondered what happens to them when the older ones are replaced? Does it bother you that they only last for a few years? To talk to us about the life cycle of our technology, we welcome Lucas Gutterman to the show. As the director of the Design to Last campaign with PIRG, the Public Interest Research Group, Lucas provides us with some insight and strategies on how we can advocate to make our devices last longer, and in turn save money and previous raw materials.
- ‘Chromebook Churn’ report highlights problems of short-lived laptops in schools
- An update: Why are eight newly expired Chromebooks still for sale on Amazon?
- Letter sent from parents, teachers, PTAs, and environmentalists to Google
- UN report: Time to seize opportunity, tackle challenge of e-waste
Featured image courtesy of Lucas Gutterman
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