
Lab Out Loud is a podcast and blog that began in October 2007 to examine topics relevant to teachers of science and the science classroom. Lab Out Loud discusses science news and science education with leading scientists, researchers, science writers and other important figures in the field.


Dale Basler

Dale Basler was a teacher of science for the Appleton Area School District from 1998 to 2012 where he primarily taught physics and physical science.  In the fall of 2012, Dale stepped away from teaching science to take on a new position as Technology Integration Specialist for a portion of the Appleton Area School District’s K-6 schools.

Brian Bartel

Brian Bartel taught biology and chemistry at Appleton West High School from 1999-2013.  In 2013, Brian left the classroom to pursue a new position as Technology Integration Specialist for a portion of the Appleton Area School District’s K-6 schools.

Both Dale and Brian have taken on leadership roles in their state’s science teacher organization, the Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers (WSST). In 2001, Dale began serving WSST as the webmaster. In 2004, Dale was elected President-Elect of WSST and served for four years on the WSST Board of Directors. For two of those years, Dale served as President of WSST.  In 2001, Brian joined Dale in the Publications’ Committee of WSST by serving as the newsletter editor for WSST.  Brian was elected as the President of WSST in 2007 and served for four years on the WSST Board of Directors.

In June of 2006, Dale and Brian started Periodicity, the podcast of the WSST.  Together they produced 52 episodes that discussed topics in science news and science education by interviewing key leaders in science before taking the show national in 2007.

Fine Print

Lab Out Loud was created by Dale Basler and Brian Bartel. The show is produced by Brian Bartel; Dale Basler maintains the website and edits the show.

Lab Out Loud was developed with support from the National Science Teaching Association.

The show’s theme music is provided by the Cool Waters Band.

Views and opinions expressed on Lab Out Loud do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the hosts of Lab Out Loud.

The name “Lab Out Loud” is a registered trademark of the National Science Teaching Association.

All Lab Out Loud episodes, show notes, blog posts and show descriptions are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.