Connect with science professionals in your classroom using Nepris

Sabari Raja, Co-Founder & CEO of Nepris
Our guest this week is Sabari Raja, co-Founder & CEO of Nepris. Acting as matchmaker for classrooms to scientists (and other professionals), Nepris tackles the heavy lifting of finding professionals eager to provide educational outreach in their field of expertise. Sabari joins us to talk about the history of Nepris, its goal of creating equity of access, and how you can start connecting with science professionals in your classroom!
- Create a free account at nepris.com.
- Teachers can watch videos of past engagements with various industry experts in our video library.
- Teachers can register their classes to join live virtual engagements submitted by industry experts, called Industry Chats.
- Teachers can also submit their own custom request for an expert from a specific industry to virtually connect with their classroom.
- For some first-timer inspiration, teachers can browse and copy past requests from other educators.
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