Adjusting science language and technology for culturally relevant STEM education

Dr. Bryan Brown
As a former science teacher and now professor of education at Stanford, Dr. Bryan A. Brown is keenly interested in improving science teaching and learning in urban communities by investigating how language and culture matter for effective science teaching. Some of this work is shared in his new book Science in the City, where Brown examines the interplay of language and culture in effective science teaching. Dr. Brown joins us to discuss his new book, the power of using technology to adapt to the cultural background of our students, and the need for adjusting our science language that better serves students in inner-city contexts.
- Science in the City Website
- Science in the City (Amazon)
- Bryan A. Brown, Stanford Graduate School of Education
- Episode 40: Memorizing Facts vs Using Information with Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath (the Learning Scientists)
- CK12
Connect with our guest:
- Twitter: @Doc_B_Brown
Featured image courtesy of Science in the City
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