So What Have We Learned? #COVID-19

Fred Ende
We close out season 14 reflecting on our experiences last year educating and learning through a pandemic. We also re-connect with Fred Ende and his kids as they share their experiences learning science and communicating with others over the last year.
About our Guest:
Fred Ende is the Director of Curriculum and Instructional Services for a cooperative educational service in New York, where he regularly designs, takes part in, observes, evaluates, and delivers professional development.
Lab Out Loud “Ende-sodes”:
- Episode 233: Learning Science at Home with Online Resources #COVID19
- Episode 152: Creating Meaningful Learning Experiences for Educators
- Episode 125: Follow #NGSSChat on Twitter
- Episode 106: Story Assessments in Science
- Episode 76: Not Another Lab Report
Pandemic Episodes:
- Episode 245: The Impact of Pop Culture and Video Creation in Science Education
- Episode 244: Bringing Science Home with Science Buddies
- Episode 242: Igniting Science Curiosity Across Africa
- Episode 241: The Show Must Go On: Learning Science Through Tragedy
- Episode 240: Learning Science, Finding Joy at Home with Plants
- Episode 229: A Discussion about Lab Safety during the #Covid-19 Pandemic
- Episode 225: Recognizing and Combating Loneliness #COVID19
- Episode 224: Teaching, Parenting and Science Outreach in the Pandemic #COVID19
- Episode 223: Learning Science at Home with Online Resources #COVID19
Connect with our guest:
- Twitter: @fredende
- www.fredende.com
Featured image courtesy of Brian Bartel
Looking for a transcript of the show? While we don’t generate transcripts, you can find the show on YouTube at www.youtube.com/labOut
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